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Mayor Gahan says speed is of the essence.

Late last year, the first COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the City of New Albany. Now, as we anxiously await more doses, Mayor Gahan has offered any and all means necessary to assist the local health officer and expedite distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The sooner that we distribute vaccines throughout the City of New Albany, the sooner that we can begin returning to normal,” stated Mayor Gahan. “We are interested in expediting the vaccine and getting it out as quickly as possible to all who need it.”

Local health officer Dr. Tom Harris thanked the city for the offer of assistance, and informed us that the Health Department is anxiously awaiting more doses. The health department anticipates further vaccinations could begin as early as January 11th. As of December 31st, 2020, over 2300 people in Floyd County have been vaccinated.

“We stand ready to assist in any way necessary to help aid in the vaccination of the residents of New Albany and surrounding community,” stated Mayor Gahan.

Mayor Gahan Appoints Tom Jones to Floyd County Health Board

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Mayor Jeff Gahan has appointed Thomas M. Jones to the Floyd County Health Board. His professional experience and long-time commitment to our community will bring some additional expertise to the board.

“I would like to thank Tom for accepting this appointment during this critical time of the COVID-19 pandemic,” stated Mayor Gahan.

Mr. Jones is a financial services professional with over 30 years’ experience. His civic involvement has included serving the Floyd Memorial Foundation (where he recently concluded over twenty-two years of service), the Southern Indiana Economic Development Council (past board chair), the New Albany-Floyd County Education Foundation (founding board member), among others.

Extended Leaf Recycling Hours This Week

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The Stormwater Department will be running extended hours on the leaf removal and recycling program this week (November 16). Leaves are falling throughout the city, and crews are working to remove the fallen leaves before they enter our water ways, causing potential contamination or localized flooding.

The Stormwater Department will collect leaves piled in the right of way next to the street. Please do not pile leaves in curbs, gutters, or the street, as this can enter the stormwater system and cause blockages. Additionally, residents can place up to 10 trash bags of leaves out that will be collected during normal trash days.

Best of all, by bunching leaves in the right of way for the City to collect, you can help the turn those leaves into something useful. All leaves picked up by the City’s leaf program are recycled and processed into mulch and fertilizers to be used in the future.

Thank you for your assistance as we work to make our city even more clean and beautiful.


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Mayor Gahan warns that COVID is worse than ever in Indiana and Floyd County. It is critical that we take proper precautions now.

COVID-19 rates continue to dramatically rise in Floyd County and Indiana. Here are the new positive cases found in Indiana just over the past few days:

November 12: 6,605 New Positive Cases

November 11: 5,041 New Positive Cases

November 10: 4,866 New Positive Cases.

These numbers are drastically higher than what we have been seeing. For reference, in late March, the Governor issued a Stay at Home Order from March 25 through April 7. On March 25th, only 113 new positive cases were found.

The positivity rate also is climbing to its highest numbers since late April. Indiana showed 20.4% positivity between October 30 and November 5. In Floyd County during that time, the positivity rate was 18.4%. Additionally, the positivity rate for the “younger than 18” population in Floyd County has more than doubled in the past month, rising to 15.38%.

Mayor Gahan warns conditions are not improving but instead they are getting worse. We all must: Limit Social Activity, Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands Frequently, and Stay at Least Six Feet Apart.

Let’s all do our part to keep our friends, family, and city safe.


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Indiana reached its highest daily count of new COVID-19 cases over this past weekend. Here are the daily reported counts over the past few days:

Monday October 12th – 1574

Sunday October 11th – 1570

Saturday October 10th – 1925

Friday October 9th – 1834

This makes nearly 140,000 Hoosiers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. 1602 of those cases are in Floyd County.

The City of New Albany continues to ask its residents to wear face masks when in public, stay 6 feet apart, wash your hands often.

For more information about laws governing COVID-19 in the State of Indiana, see this document: